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HomeHealthWorld Asthma Day 2023: Know the symptoms, causes and preventive measures of...

World Asthma Day 2023: Know the symptoms, causes and preventive measures of this serious respiratory disease

World Asthma Day 2023 is celebrated every year on the first Tuesday in the month of May, this year on May 2, World Asthma Day will be celebrated across the world. The day was started in 1993 by health care organizations under the leadership of the Global Initiative for Asthma to raise awareness about asthma globally. Asthma or asthma is a disease related to the lungs. In this disease, due to swelling in the respiratory tract, there is difficulty in breathing. Know the symptoms, causes and preventive measures of this serious respiratory disease….

symptoms of asthma

There are many symptoms of asthma. These include phlegm or dry cough, feeling of heaviness and tightness in the chest, difficulty in breathing, wheezing sounds while breathing, difficulty in breathing in cold air, feeling tired due to labored breathing. In severe condition, there is also the problem of repeated vomiting.

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causes of asthma

Increasing pollution is the biggest reason for asthma. Due to dust and smoke, a large number of people are falling prey to this disease. Along with this, cold, flu and change in weather also become the reason. It can also be caused by allergies to pollen grains and other things. Sometimes the reason for this is genetic, that is, if someone in the family has this disease, then the risk of its occurrence can be high.

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Asthma prevention tips

Caution is necessary to prevent asthma. People suffering from this disease should avoid dusty and polluted environment. Too hot or humid places are not safe for them. If you have asthma due to allergies, you should avoid such things which can cause allergies. Always use hot or lukewarm water. Asthma patients should pay attention to diet. Green leafy vegetables should be consumed. Taking a diet containing vitamins A, C and E will prove beneficial. Along with this, garlic, ginger and turmeric will give you the power to fight asthma.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details…

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